Thursday 7 April 2016

Dates in the history of Roman Law

The most important dates in the history of the Roman Law begins in 753 B.C. with the foundation of Rome, and finish in 534 A.D. with the Codex Repetitae Praelectionis.

Ancient Rome and history of Roman Law

. 753 B.C.: Foundation of Rome.

. 510 B.C.: Expulsion of the Kings.

. 451 - 448 B.C.: The XII Tables.

. 367 B.C.: Office of Praetor and Curule Aediles instituted.

. 304 B.C.: Ius Flavianum published.

. 300 B.C.: Lex Ogulnia.

. 287 B.C.: Lex Hortensia.

. 286 B.C.: Lex Aquilia.

. 242 B.C.: Appointment of Praetor Peregrinus

. 200 B.C.: Lex Plaetoria

. 120 B.C.: Lex Aebutia

. 91 - 89 B.C.: The Social War.

. 49 B.C.: Julius Caesar attains power.

. 44 B.C.: Julius Caesar assassinated.

. 40 B.C.: Lex Falcidia.

. 27 - 14 A.D.: The Principate of Augustus / Ius Respondendi instituted / Fideicommissa and Codicilli introduced.

. 4 A.D.: Lex Aelia Sentia.

. 9 A.D.: Lex Julia et Papia Poppaea.

. 14 - 37 A.D.: Tiberius.

. 37 - 41 A.D.: Caligula.

. 41 - 54 A.D.: Claudius.

. 69 A.D.: Sc. Macedonianum.

. 54 - 68 A.D.: Nero.

. 69 - 79 A.D.: Vespasian.

. 79 - 81 A.D.: Titus.

. 81 - 96 A.D.: Domitian.

. 96 - 98 A.D.: Nerva.

. 98 - 117 A.D.: Trajan.

. 117 - 138 A.D.: Hadrian / Edictum Perpetuum of Salvius Julianus.

. 138 - 161 A.D.: Antoninus Pius / Institutes of Gaius.

. 161 - 169 A.D.: M. Aurelius and L. Verus.

. 169 - 180 A.D.: M. Aurelius.

. 180 - 193 A.D.: Commodus.

. 193 - 211 A.D.: Septimius Severus.

. 211 - 217 A.D.: Caracalla.

. 222 - 235 A.D.: Alexander Severus.

. 238 - 244 A.D.: Gordian.

. 285 - 286 A.D.: Diocletian.

. 286 - 305 A.D.: Diocletian and Maximian / Division of the Empire.

. 305 - 306 A.D.: Constantius I and Galerius.

. 306 A.D.: Constantius I, Galerius and Constantine.

. 306 A.D.: Codex Gregorianus.

. 307 - 311 A.D.: Galerius, Constantine and Licinius.

. 311 - 323 A.D.: Constantine and Licinius.

. 323 - 337 A.D.: Constantine.

. 364 A.D.: Valentinian II and Valens.

. 365 A.D.: Codex Hermogenianus.

. 408 - 450 A.D.: Theodosius I, Emperor of the Eastern Empire.

. 425 - 455 A.D.: Valentinian III, Emperor of the Western Empire.

. 426 A.D.: Law of Citations.

. 438 A.D.: Codex Theodosianus.

. 457 - 474 A.D.: Leo II, Emperor of the Eastern Empire.

. 476 A.D.: End of the Western Empire.

. 474 - 491 A.D.: Zeno, Emperor of the East.

. 491 - 518 A.D.: Anastasius I.

. 500 A.D.: Edictum Theodorici.

. 506 A.D.: Breviarium Alaricianum.

. 517 A.D.: Lex Romanum Burgundionum.

. 518 - 527 A.D.: Justin.

. 527 - 565 A.D.: Justinian.

. 529 A.D.: Codex Vetus.

. 529 - 532 A.D.: Quinquaginta Decisiones.

. 533 A.D.: Publication of Digest and Institutes.

. 534 A.D.: Codex Repetitae Praelectionis.


Roman Law, L. B. Curzon, pages 202 - 203.